Category: lesbians

Blindfolded and Pussy Licked

I had just recently broken up with my boyfriend. I was sitting on my bed in my dorm room talking to my roommate, Robyn. We were discussing him and his shortcomings (I had done the breaking up because he was a jerk) and we got to talking about our sex life. Yes guys, that’s right, us girls talk about this stuff too. I was telling Robyn how Mike, my ex, would never go down on me, even though he expected me to go down on him. Somehow it came out that I had never had a guy go down on me, and Robyn looked incredulous. “That’s horrible! It’s like a crime that no one has ever done that for you. It’s the best thing ever!” She leaned closer to me, conspiratorially. “I like it even better than sex.” When I told her that I hoped to find out someday, she gave me a weird look.

“What,” I asked. She went on to explain that, if I wasn’t too picky, she had a friend that she used to get her off when she was feeling really horny, and that they would probably be willing to do this for me if I wanted. I was shocked to hear this. First of all, I didn’t really know that Robyn was a casual sex kind of person, and second that she would share her boytoy with me. I had to think about it for a minute. I turned a lock of my long blond hair in my fingers as I pondered. I’m not really the casual sex type of person…but this talk was kind of turning me on, and I didn’t have a boyfriend to take care of my sexual needs anymore. And it wasn’t really sex, it was more like having someone masturbate for me. And just this once couldn’t really hurt, could it?

After a bit of internal debate, I agreed to her plan. Robyn got on the phone. “Hi, it’s me. Yeah, I’ve got a proposition for you. You know my roommate, Allie? Well, she’s never had someone go down on her before, and I figured you like doing that kind of thing for me, and thought maybe you’d be willing to do it for her. Yeah? Um, hold on, let me ask.” She turned to me and said, “Okay, my friend is willing to do it, but since you kind of know each other, you have to be blindfolded, so things aren’t weird between the two of you if you run into each other later. Is that okay?” I thought that was kind of weird in itself, but the thought of a hot guy going down on me while I’m blindfolded turned me on a little more. I agreed, and Robyn relayed my consent to her friend. “Okay, in about 15 minutes, you get to have one kick-ass orgasm,” she told me after hanging up the phone.

I started feeling kind of nervous and I wanted to know which of her friends was coming over. She wouldn’t tell me, no matter how much I prodded her, she’d just tell me that her friend had always satisfied her and that I would have a wonderful time. With all the questioning, the 15 minutes passed more quickly than I thought they would. She was sitting near the window and kept looking out from time to time, and suddenly stood up and said, “Your lover’s here.” I jumped to the window, but looking down didn’t see anyone I knew. “Too late,” she teased me. “Be right back, gotta go open the door.” She left and I sat back on my bed, nervously. I had never done anything like this before in my life. Butterflies were swarming in my stomach, but I also had to admit that I was very aroused. I reached into my shorts for a moment and felt that my pussy was already pretty wet. I rubbed myself a little, trying to make the lust I was feeling override the nervousness. It seemed to help.


Wife Drinking At The Strip Club

I am a 40 year old male who is married to a 34 year old woman named Cindi. She is 5’7″ 139 pounds, and blond with blue eyes. She wears her hair shoulder length. We have two young children and just don’t find the time to go out anymore. So this particular Saturday, we were able to drop off the kids at my mother in laws and go out. When my wife was getting ready to go, I walked in the bedroom and she had put on a blue jeans skirt, a white sweater blouse with no bra and black boots. She then said that she had a surprise for me and bent over while pulling up her skirt. She was wearing no panties and instead had on an all in one garment that was stockings with a garter belt attached. I pleaded with her to fuck me right then and there, but she said not now! 

We went to dinner at a nice suburban restaurant and my wife drank most of a bottle of Pinot Gris. When we left the restaurant, she was already buzzing and wanted to stay out later. We drove down the boulevard until we decided to go to this strip club that we had been to before. She likes to go there when she’s drunk. It’s not too bad a place actually, it’s clean and they’re friendly there. I thought this could get hot, my wife has no panties on and we’re going to a titty bar. It was however unlikely anyone would see anything as her skirt was down past her knees. 

So when we got there we went to a table back away from the stage. While we walked back there, I could feel all the men’s eyes on her. We ordered a drink and watched the show. They have 1 dollar vodka cranberry drinks there, and my wife took advantage of that. She was on her second drink before I had half my beer consumed. As she got drunker, she got more interested in the dancers. She started to go up to the stage to tip them and be closer to them. They strippers really took an interest in my wife’s attention. They seemed to pay her more attention than other patrons. They would lean in real close to her and dangle their tits in her face. My wife was loving it! I might add that the other men in the club seemed to like watching the dancers being flirty with my wife. She would occasionally come back to sit at my table, but as she drank that became less frequent an occurrence. There were times, I thought that she must be so drunk, she forgets I’m here too. 

Anyway, the fun really started when my wife went up to watch a stripper named “Siren” do her thing. She’s a tall very thin brunette with an amazing body. My wife has liked watching her before. The strippers would dance two songs at a time and were usually nude by the middle of the second song. On the second song, my wife tucked the dollar bill in her blouse seemingly to dare her to come get it. The surprise was how she got it. Rather than put her head down her blouse, she lifted her blouse retrieving the dollar and kissing both of her tits. All of the men’s eyes around the stage were glued on the two of them. Siren then pulled back and recovered her so that she could show some love to the other tippers. 

After her second dance she departed the stage and another brunette got up to dance. This one was more medium build with nice breasts. They were probably a full C cup bra. She also took particular interest in my wife. She was dangling her tits in her face and just being very friendly. The men loved seeing this, especially the older gentleman sitting next to her. He was grey, a little heavyset and probably in his sixties. He had spoken with my wife at times, leaning in closer to make himself heard over the music. After her two dances were over, I could just make out the dancer asking my wife if she could give her a private dance for free. She said she really wanted to dance for her. My wife was rather drunk at this point and was very agreeable. The two of them ventured back to the VIP area. 

The VIP area is nothing more than a separate area of the club with five foot walls surrounding it and leather couches all along the inside. I truly think my wife was completely wasted, because she didn’t say a word to me, she just got up and went back there. Being drunk, I think she forgot about me. When they went back there, they went in and disappeared below the wall. I got up and walked over there to the side where they would be and peered over the wall. I am 6’2″ so it was not difficult to see below. The bouncer came over immediately and asked what I was looking at. I explained it was my wife getting a dance and he understood and moved away. 

When I looked down, I saw my wife laying back on a leather couch, with the stripper hovering over her very close. Upon further examination, they were making out, and I mean sucking face passionately. My wife’s hands were squeezing her tits and I thought to myself, “holy shit this is hot!” Five feet to the right of my wife was another older gentleman, probably in his late 50s getting a lap dance also. He appeared to be wearing a wedding band, but was here alone. He would occasionally look over at my wife and seemed to find that as interesting as the woman dancing for him. The private dances lasted two songs at this club and I think he was on his last song while my wife was on her first. After a few minutes of sucking face and massaging each others tits, the stripper kneeled in front of my wife and guided her skirt up a bit. 

My wife was drunk as hell and I am not sure if she knew she was doing that or not. The stripper let out a soft squeal, and called Cindi a dirty girl when she discovered she had no panties on. She then moved back up over her and off to her side making out with my wife again, but now her hand disappeared up her skirt. Being up and behind, I couldn’t see up her skirt, but I am sure she was fingering my wife, due to the way I could see her breathing change. This lasted through the rest of the first song. When it was over the stripper for the guy left and he started to get up too, then leaned over and asked if he could watch them. I didn’t quite hear their response, but I think he liked it and sat down on the couch to the immediate right of my wife. Before he did, he caught a glimpse of me watching and looked at me questionably for approval, I nodded that it was okay with me. At the time, there was nobody else back there and my wife had no idea I was watching all of this as I was behind and above her behind the five foot wall. She was also so drunk, I doubt she even remembered I was there. 

As the second song begins the stripper is to my wife’s left making out with her and with her hand up her skirt that is pulled halfway up her thigh, while the older guy was sitting to her right, very close almost leaning into her. As my wife made out with the stripper, she was gyrating her hips slowly enjoying the hand of the stripper. The guy sitting to her right reached over and placed his hand on her stocking mid thigh. Feeling that, my wife pulled away from the kiss to see who that was and looked at him again. She smiled, leaned over and kissed him. My heart was racing because I was conflicted. I wanted to put a stop to this while at the same time, I was hard and wanted to see what she would do. She then kissed the stripper again and then back to the guy. She was in heaven. She then reached over and gently rubbed his groin which was bulging. He then moved his hand to her skirt and pulled upwards slightly. She helped him by lifting her butt a little bit while still kissing the dancer. He pulled up her skirt enough so that even I could see her pussy exposed now. His hand moved down and now both of them were rubbing her pussy. 

This was unbelievable to me seeing this. The dancer and the guy knew I was watching this and were giving me a great show. This guy was old enough to be her father and his finger was in her pussy. 

My wife still squeezing his bulge, prompted him to, with his free hand, to undo the button and zipper on his pants and pull out his dick, which was stiff. My wife grabbed it and squeezed it, then slowly stroked it. The second song was coming to an end, but I don’t think they much cared. When the third song began, the music was “girls, girls, girls” by Motley Crue and my wife was now kissing the dancer while still stroking his dick. While my wife’s head was turned he looked up and back at me again with a look like is this okay? I gestured it was nodding and he then got up somewhat and kneeled in front of my wife. He pulled her forward by the hips so that her hips were over the edge of the couch and while she was still kissing the dancer he pulled his bulging cock up and placed it at the entry way to her pussy. He then slowly guided it in and began to fuck my wife. Her legs were out to his sides and he was holding her by the hips. My wife, mother of two and devoted spouse was now getting fucked in a strip club by a guy old enough to be her father. Holy Shit that was hot. 

While he fucked her, she would occasionally look at him and then kiss the dancer again. About halfway through the song, she said she had to go get ready for her next stage performance and make some money. She said, “I’ll leave you two alone” and gave me a wink as she left. He then took her legs and put them up near her head and stood up so that he could fuck her plunging down deep into her pussy. As he fucked her, he now kissed her and would occasionally look up at me. Alcohol had turned my wife into a fuckslut. She was moaning and then told him to fuck her brains out. I nearly came in my pants. She was reaching out and grabbing his buttocks to pull his dick deeper inside her. Just then he arched his back and was cumming into her. (she had a tubal ligation, so I am not worried about pregnancy). He would thrust deep to shoot his load into her and then stopped altogether. 

They started to put themselves together and I went back to my table. She exited the VIP area and looked a little disheveled. She went right to the bathroom, no doubt to wipe up all the cum. When she came out, I met her at the restroom door and said hello. I said, “that must have been some dance, you were back there for three songs.” She said yes it was and that she really liked her dance with the stripper, but was tired now and wanted to go home. We did and when we got home, she passed out on the bed. I was sure to fuck her too, while she was out cold and shot my load up in her. 

The next morning, she seemed to not remember the night before. I wasn’t sure is she did or not, but she then asked me if we had fucked. I said yes. She said her pussy was all gooey and hairs were stuck together. What a night!

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Getting Pegged

Hank always thought his sister’s significant other Lisa was sexy. Even though she had an air ‘butchness’ about her. Lisa’s hair was done up feminine. She wore dresses occasionally to work and she used makeup. But she had a mannish way of walking and talking. She relished dirty jokes and just like men she made the occasional inappropriate sexual remark. She clearly was the ‘man’ of the relationship with his sister even though they both said that the relationship wasn’t about masculine/feminine stereotypes. Lisa was always in the man position during cuddling or snuggling. Eva, Hank’s sister, always wrapped her arms around Lisa’s neck during kissing. It their whole relationship it seemed that Lisa was the man and Eva was the woman. And Hank was jealous that his had found such a sexy and masculine woman.

Hank liked to fantasize that Lisa would make him have sex with her. Make him lick her cunt and suck hard on her small but perky tits. And for the finale, she would strap-on a dildo and stick it up his ass and fuck him til they were both exhausted.

Hank was a wimp and he had known this since he was little. He was always taken with the women who were masculine. He enjoyed watching women bodybuilders, they always turned him on. So Hank naturally thought of himself as the femme side of the equation and wanted to be with women who would be the masculine side. Hank loved to masturbate to fantasies about women doing him in his back door. From a young age he fondled and then eventually penetrated his ass. And from the first time he penetrated himself he knew that he would love a good ass fucking. When he moved out on his own he even bought a dildo to use on himself. He spent many a night in anal ecstasy picturing that a woman was giving it to him good. Now at the age of 23 he wanted a women to fuck him. Especially if the ass fucker was Lisa.

Lisa and Hank got along well because they were both big sports fans. She was a Giant fan and he was a Dodger fan. They would tease and mock each other throughout the baseball season. But since he had moved to SoCal a year ago they didn’t go to any games together anymore.

After a year in his new job, Hank finally earned a week’s vacation. He planned to go and spend a week with his sister and Lisa. He called his sister and made plans. Eva said she was happy to have Hank come up. She even mentioned that they would all go to a Giants game at the new PacBell Park.

When Hank arrived on a Saturday, the three of them spent the day wandering around town. They played a quick game of tennis in the late afternoon and then headed back to Eva and Lisa’s house for dinner. This whole time Hank couldn’t get the thought out of his head of Lisa fucking him with a dildo. And the way she was dressed didn’t help matters either. She wore a tank top with running shorts that showed her thighs up to where her butt started. Hank had to keep fighting a constant erection knowing he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it until bedtime.

When bedtime did come, Hank was finally happy he would get relief from the sexual tension he had been feeling since he had arrived. He bid a goodnight to his hosts who were also thinking of retiring for the evening. After brushing his teeth, Hank went in to his guest bedroom and quickly closed the door. He headed straight for his suitcase and found his dildo. From the side pocket he pulled out some lube and laid down on the bed. He fingered his ass for awhile fantasizing that Lisa was preparing him for a screwing. When he was ready, he slowly slid the dildo up his ass. He took his time savoring the feeling and letting his sexual imagination wander. He stroked his cock slowly, occasionally stopping to taste his precum. As the excitement built , he stroked faster. As he neared his climax, Hank moaned out Lisa’s name. “Fuck me, Lisa” he said a couple of times before finally releasing his load with an intense orgasm that made him what to shout with pleasure. He was able to somewhat mute his shout of pleasure and figured that Lisa and Eva probably didn’t hear it being that they listened to TV while they went to sleep. After resting for a few minutes, Hank got up, put on some shorts and headed to the bathroom to wash off the dildo. He came back to bed able to fall quickly into a deep sleep.

On Sunday, they were to go to the ballgame. But Eva found out that she was needed at work and wouldn’t be able to come along. So now it was just Lisa and Hank. Much like yesterday, Lisa was wearing very short shorts. Just looking at her legs while they drove to the game gave Hank an erection. Lisa seemed to be struggling with something on her mind as they drove the first few minutes in silence.

Suddenly, Lisa dropped the bombshell. “I saw you last night. I snuck into your room when you were brushing your teeth and hid in the closet. I was going to jump out and scare you when you got into bed and turned out the lights. But instead you jacked off with that dildo.”

Hank didn’t know what to say. He tried to mumble something. But Lisa continued.

“Do you want me to fuck you? You were moaning last night about me fucking you.”

Hank couldn’t look at her. He was caught and didn’t know what say. He figured Lisa was mad at him. “Did you tell my sister?” Hank finally asked.

“Yes and no. I told her I didn’t get to scare you because you started masturbating. But I didn’t tell her about the dildo or you moaning my name.” She smiled at him and added, “It’s called pegging.”

“What is?”

“Having a woman fuck a guy with a dildo is called pegging. At least in the circles I run in.” she smiled again. This made Hank feel much better. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. She at least seems amused by the thought. So Hank asked her if she ever had pegged a guy.

“No, but for the last few years it has been a big fantasy of mine. It seems it’s a big fantasy of yours, too.” She said as she looked at him with what Hank thought of as possibly lust. “Look in my backpack in the back seat. I packed especially for this trip.”

Hank did as he was told. In the backpack were two dildos and a harness to which either one could attach. “Which one would you like me to use on you?” Lisa asked playfully. This time there was no mistaking the look of lust on Lisa’s face. This gave Hank’s dick a big rush.

“This one,” said Hank, holding up the eight-inch purple dong.

Lisa smiled at his choice. It was then that Hank noticed that they weren’t headed for the ballpark.

“I know a nice secluded spot were we can have some fun.” Lisa said. Hank found his heart racing as he realized that his biggest fantasy was going to come true.

When they arrived at the spot, it was a hillside that gave them cover from three sides. They both got in the back seat and started to remove each others clothing. Lisa laid down on top of Hank and probed his mouth with her delicious tongue. While continuing to kiss, Lisa moved her hands down to Hank’s asshole and started to play with it. A jolt of electricity went up Hank’s body and she probed him with her fingers. Soon she had two fingers in him and started to thrust them in and out. Hank was in ecstasy. He played with her nipples with his fingers.

“I think now you’re ready,” Lisa said as reached for the harness. Hank helped her put it on as well as helping with attaching the dildo. “Show me that ass of yours. I think I need to fuck you good.”

Hank got on his hands and knees and showed his ass to her. She put her hands on his hips and placed the tip of the dildo against his bud. Hank quivered in anticipation. She firmly but slowly slipped the dildo into him. The pleasure was almost unbearable for Hank. He wanted her to start thrusting into him and moved his ass closer to her.

“Fuck me,” he pleaded.

“Patience, my sweet, Patience.” She finally slid the length of the dildo inside of him and slowly started to thrust. Hank moved with her tempo.

It was the most amazing feeling for Hank. The slow thrusting made his prostate come alive and his cock felt on fire. Lisa started to quicken her thrusting.

“Now, you can say ‘fuck me, Lisa” she teased and started to move the dildo almost all the way out and then quickly thrust it all the way in. Hank’s ass moved with her quick thrusts.

“Oh god! Fuck me, Lisa. Fuck me. Fuck me.” Hank yelled as his orgasm started to build. It built deep inside where he never felt it start before. Soon it seemed to take over his whole body and he unleashed a torrent of semen. While the waves of climax hit he begged to Lisa to keep fucking him. His begging sent Lisa over the edge and she too was sent into ecstasy.

Lisa kept pounding into Hank until her orgasm began to subside. Finally she stopped. For a few minutes, no sound could be heard but the sound of their heavy breathing. Finally she removed the dildo from Hank’s ass. They embraced and kissed.

Hank looked at Lisa and said, “That was incredible, You definitely know how to use a cock. I certainly do enjoying being fucked.”

Lisa laughed and looked at him, “We have a ballgame to attend. But then we’ll have time on the way back for another pegging.”

Hank couldn’t wait.

The post Getting Pegged appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Getting Pegged

Hank always thought his sister’s significant other Lisa was sexy. Even though she had an air ‘butchness’ about her. Lisa’s hair was done up feminine. She wore dresses occasionally to work and she used makeup. But she had a mannish way of walking and talking. She relished dirty jokes and just like men she made the occasional inappropriate sexual remark. She clearly was the ‘man’ of the relationship with his sister even though they both said that the relationship wasn’t about masculine/feminine stereotypes. Lisa was always in the man position during cuddling or snuggling. Eva, Hank’s sister, always wrapped her arms around Lisa’s neck during kissing. It their whole relationship it seemed that Lisa was the man and Eva was the woman. And Hank was jealous that his had found such a sexy and masculine woman.

Hank liked to fantasize that Lisa would make him have sex with her. Make him lick her cunt and suck hard on her small but perky tits. And for the finale, she would strap-on a dildo and stick it up his ass and fuck him til they were both exhausted.

Hank was a wimp and he had known this since he was little. He was always taken with the women who were masculine. He enjoyed watching women bodybuilders, they always turned him on. So Hank naturally thought of himself as the femme side of the equation and wanted to be with women who would be the masculine side. Hank loved to masturbate to fantasies about women doing him in his back door. From a young age he fondled and then eventually penetrated his ass. And from the first time he penetrated himself he knew that he would love a good ass fucking. When he moved out on his own he even bought a dildo to use on himself. He spent many a night in anal ecstasy picturing that a woman was giving it to him good. Now at the age of 23 he wanted a women to fuck him. Especially if the ass fucker was Lisa.

Lisa and Hank got along well because they were both big sports fans. She was a Giant fan and he was a Dodger fan. They would tease and mock each other throughout the baseball season. But since he had moved to SoCal a year ago they didn’t go to any games together anymore.

After a year in his new job, Hank finally earned a week’s vacation. He planned to go and spend a week with his sister and Lisa. He called his sister and made plans. Eva said she was happy to have Hank come up. She even mentioned that they would all go to a Giants game at the new PacBell Park.

When Hank arrived on a Saturday, the three of them spent the day wandering around town. They played a quick game of tennis in the late afternoon and then headed back to Eva and Lisa’s house for dinner. This whole time Hank couldn’t get the thought out of his head of Lisa fucking him with a dildo. And the way she was dressed didn’t help matters either. She wore a tank top with running shorts that showed her thighs up to where her butt started. Hank had to keep fighting a constant erection knowing he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it until bedtime.

When bedtime did come, Hank was finally happy he would get relief from the sexual tension he had been feeling since he had arrived. He bid a goodnight to his hosts who were also thinking of retiring for the evening. After brushing his teeth, Hank went in to his guest bedroom and quickly closed the door. He headed straight for his suitcase and found his dildo. From the side pocket he pulled out some lube and laid down on the bed. He fingered his ass for awhile fantasizing that Lisa was preparing him for a screwing. When he was ready, he slowly slid the dildo up his ass. He took his time savoring the feeling and letting his sexual imagination wander. He stroked his cock slowly, occasionally stopping to taste his precum. As the excitement built , he stroked faster. As he neared his climax, Hank moaned out Lisa’s name. “Fuck me, Lisa” he said a couple of times before finally releasing his load with an intense orgasm that made him what to shout with pleasure. He was able to somewhat mute his shout of pleasure and figured that Lisa and Eva probably didn’t hear it being that they listened to TV while they went to sleep. After resting for a few minutes, Hank got up, put on some shorts and headed to the bathroom to wash off the dildo. He came back to bed able to fall quickly into a deep sleep.

On Sunday, they were to go to the ballgame. But Eva found out that she was needed at work and wouldn’t be able to come along. So now it was just Lisa and Hank. Much like yesterday, Lisa was wearing very short shorts. Just looking at her legs while they drove to the game gave Hank an erection. Lisa seemed to be struggling with something on her mind as they drove the first few minutes in silence.

Suddenly, Lisa dropped the bombshell. “I saw you last night. I snuck into your room when you were brushing your teeth and hid in the closet. I was going to jump out and scare you when you got into bed and turned out the lights. But instead you jacked off with that dildo.”

Hank didn’t know what to say. He tried to mumble something. But Lisa continued.

“Do you want me to fuck you? You were moaning last night about me fucking you.”

Hank couldn’t look at her. He was caught and didn’t know what say. He figured Lisa was mad at him. “Did you tell my sister?” Hank finally asked.

“Yes and no. I told her I didn’t get to scare you because you started masturbating. But I didn’t tell her about the dildo or you moaning my name.” She smiled at him and added, “It’s called pegging.”

“What is?”

“Having a woman fuck a guy with a dildo is called pegging. At least in the circles I run in.” she smiled again. This made Hank feel much better. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. She at least seems amused by the thought. So Hank asked her if she ever had pegged a guy.

“No, but for the last few years it has been a big fantasy of mine. It seems it’s a big fantasy of yours, too.” She said as she looked at him with what Hank thought of as possibly lust. “Look in my backpack in the back seat. I packed especially for this trip.”

Hank did as he was told. In the backpack were two dildos and a harness to which either one could attach. “Which one would you like me to use on you?” Lisa asked playfully. This time there was no mistaking the look of lust on Lisa’s face. This gave Hank’s dick a big rush.

“This one,” said Hank, holding up the eight-inch purple dong.

Lisa smiled at his choice. It was then that Hank noticed that they weren’t headed for the ballpark.

“I know a nice secluded spot were we can have some fun.” Lisa said. Hank found his heart racing as he realized that his biggest fantasy was going to come true.

When they arrived at the spot, it was a hillside that gave them cover from three sides. They both got in the back seat and started to remove each others clothing. Lisa laid down on top of Hank and probed his mouth with her delicious tongue. While continuing to kiss, Lisa moved her hands down to Hank’s asshole and started to play with it. A jolt of electricity went up Hank’s body and she probed him with her fingers. Soon she had two fingers in him and started to thrust them in and out. Hank was in ecstasy. He played with her nipples with his fingers.

“I think now you’re ready,” Lisa said as reached for the harness. Hank helped her put it on as well as helping with attaching the dildo. “Show me that ass of yours. I think I need to fuck you good.”

Hank got on his hands and knees and showed his ass to her. She put her hands on his hips and placed the tip of the dildo against his bud. Hank quivered in anticipation. She firmly but slowly slipped the dildo into him. The pleasure was almost unbearable for Hank. He wanted her to start thrusting into him and moved his ass closer to her.

“Fuck me,” he pleaded.

“Patience, my sweet, Patience.” She finally slid the length of the dildo inside of him and slowly started to thrust. Hank moved with her tempo.

It was the most amazing feeling for Hank. The slow thrusting made his prostate come alive and his cock felt on fire. Lisa started to quicken her thrusting.

“Now, you can say ‘fuck me, Lisa” she teased and started to move the dildo almost all the way out and then quickly thrust it all the way in. Hank’s ass moved with her quick thrusts.

“Oh god! Fuck me, Lisa. Fuck me. Fuck me.” Hank yelled as his orgasm started to build. It built deep inside where he never felt it start before. Soon it seemed to take over his whole body and he unleashed a torrent of semen. While the waves of climax hit he begged to Lisa to keep fucking him. His begging sent Lisa over the edge and she too was sent into ecstasy.

Lisa kept pounding into Hank until her orgasm began to subside. Finally she stopped. For a few minutes, no sound could be heard but the sound of their heavy breathing. Finally she removed the dildo from Hank’s ass. They embraced and kissed.

Hank looked at Lisa and said, “That was incredible, You definitely know how to use a cock. I certainly do enjoying being fucked.”

Lisa laughed and looked at him, “We have a ballgame to attend. But then we’ll have time on the way back for another pegging.”

Hank couldn’t wait.

The post Getting Pegged appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Getting Pegged

Hank always thought his sister’s significant other Lisa was sexy. Even though she had an air ‘butchness’ about her. Lisa’s hair was done up feminine. She wore dresses occasionally to work and she used makeup. But she had a mannish way of walking and talking. She relished dirty jokes and just like men she made the occasional inappropriate sexual remark. She clearly was the ‘man’ of the relationship with his sister even though they both said that the relationship wasn’t about masculine/feminine stereotypes. Lisa was always in the man position during cuddling or snuggling. Eva, Hank’s sister, always wrapped her arms around Lisa’s neck during kissing. It their whole relationship it seemed that Lisa was the man and Eva was the woman. And Hank was jealous that his had found such a sexy and masculine woman.

Hank liked to fantasize that Lisa would make him have sex with her. Make him lick her cunt and suck hard on her small but perky tits. And for the finale, she would strap-on a dildo and stick it up his ass and fuck him til they were both exhausted.

Hank was a wimp and he had known this since he was little. He was always taken with the women who were masculine. He enjoyed watching women bodybuilders, they always turned him on. So Hank naturally thought of himself as the femme side of the equation and wanted to be with women who would be the masculine side. Hank loved to masturbate to fantasies about women doing him in his back door. From a young age he fondled and then eventually penetrated his ass. And from the first time he penetrated himself he knew that he would love a good ass fucking. When he moved out on his own he even bought a dildo to use on himself. He spent many a night in anal ecstasy picturing that a woman was giving it to him good. Now at the age of 23 he wanted a women to fuck him. Especially if the ass fucker was Lisa.

Lisa and Hank got along well because they were both big sports fans. She was a Giant fan and he was a Dodger fan. They would tease and mock each other throughout the baseball season. But since he had moved to SoCal a year ago they didn’t go to any games together anymore.

After a year in his new job, Hank finally earned a week’s vacation. He planned to go and spend a week with his sister and Lisa. He called his sister and made plans. Eva said she was happy to have Hank come up. She even mentioned that they would all go to a Giants game at the new PacBell Park.

When Hank arrived on a Saturday, the three of them spent the day wandering around town. They played a quick game of tennis in the late afternoon and then headed back to Eva and Lisa’s house for dinner. This whole time Hank couldn’t get the thought out of his head of Lisa fucking him with a dildo. And the way she was dressed didn’t help matters either. She wore a tank top with running shorts that showed her thighs up to where her butt started. Hank had to keep fighting a constant erection knowing he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it until bedtime.

When bedtime did come, Hank was finally happy he would get relief from the sexual tension he had been feeling since he had arrived. He bid a goodnight to his hosts who were also thinking of retiring for the evening. After brushing his teeth, Hank went in to his guest bedroom and quickly closed the door. He headed straight for his suitcase and found his dildo. From the side pocket he pulled out some lube and laid down on the bed. He fingered his ass for awhile fantasizing that Lisa was preparing him for a screwing. When he was ready, he slowly slid the dildo up his ass. He took his time savoring the feeling and letting his sexual imagination wander. He stroked his cock slowly, occasionally stopping to taste his precum. As the excitement built , he stroked faster. As he neared his climax, Hank moaned out Lisa’s name. “Fuck me, Lisa” he said a couple of times before finally releasing his load with an intense orgasm that made him what to shout with pleasure. He was able to somewhat mute his shout of pleasure and figured that Lisa and Eva probably didn’t hear it being that they listened to TV while they went to sleep. After resting for a few minutes, Hank got up, put on some shorts and headed to the bathroom to wash off the dildo. He came back to bed able to fall quickly into a deep sleep.

On Sunday, they were to go to the ballgame. But Eva found out that she was needed at work and wouldn’t be able to come along. So now it was just Lisa and Hank. Much like yesterday, Lisa was wearing very short shorts. Just looking at her legs while they drove to the game gave Hank an erection. Lisa seemed to be struggling with something on her mind as they drove the first few minutes in silence.

Suddenly, Lisa dropped the bombshell. “I saw you last night. I snuck into your room when you were brushing your teeth and hid in the closet. I was going to jump out and scare you when you got into bed and turned out the lights. But instead you jacked off with that dildo.”

Hank didn’t know what to say. He tried to mumble something. But Lisa continued.

“Do you want me to fuck you? You were moaning last night about me fucking you.”

Hank couldn’t look at her. He was caught and didn’t know what say. He figured Lisa was mad at him. “Did you tell my sister?” Hank finally asked.

“Yes and no. I told her I didn’t get to scare you because you started masturbating. But I didn’t tell her about the dildo or you moaning my name.” She smiled at him and added, “It’s called pegging.”

“What is?”

“Having a woman fuck a guy with a dildo is called pegging. At least in the circles I run in.” she smiled again. This made Hank feel much better. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. She at least seems amused by the thought. So Hank asked her if she ever had pegged a guy.

“No, but for the last few years it has been a big fantasy of mine. It seems it’s a big fantasy of yours, too.” She said as she looked at him with what Hank thought of as possibly lust. “Look in my backpack in the back seat. I packed especially for this trip.”

Hank did as he was told. In the backpack were two dildos and a harness to which either one could attach. “Which one would you like me to use on you?” Lisa asked playfully. This time there was no mistaking the look of lust on Lisa’s face. This gave Hank’s dick a big rush.

“This one,” said Hank, holding up the eight-inch purple dong.

Lisa smiled at his choice. It was then that Hank noticed that they weren’t headed for the ballpark.

“I know a nice secluded spot were we can have some fun.” Lisa said. Hank found his heart racing as he realized that his biggest fantasy was going to come true.

When they arrived at the spot, it was a hillside that gave them cover from three sides. They both got in the back seat and started to remove each others clothing. Lisa laid down on top of Hank and probed his mouth with her delicious tongue. While continuing to kiss, Lisa moved her hands down to Hank’s asshole and started to play with it. A jolt of electricity went up Hank’s body and she probed him with her fingers. Soon she had two fingers in him and started to thrust them in and out. Hank was in ecstasy. He played with her nipples with his fingers.

“I think now you’re ready,” Lisa said as reached for the harness. Hank helped her put it on as well as helping with attaching the dildo. “Show me that ass of yours. I think I need to fuck you good.”

Hank got on his hands and knees and showed his ass to her. She put her hands on his hips and placed the tip of the dildo against his bud. Hank quivered in anticipation. She firmly but slowly slipped the dildo into him. The pleasure was almost unbearable for Hank. He wanted her to start thrusting into him and moved his ass closer to her.

“Fuck me,” he pleaded.

“Patience, my sweet, Patience.” She finally slid the length of the dildo inside of him and slowly started to thrust. Hank moved with her tempo.

It was the most amazing feeling for Hank. The slow thrusting made his prostate come alive and his cock felt on fire. Lisa started to quicken her thrusting.

“Now, you can say ‘fuck me, Lisa” she teased and started to move the dildo almost all the way out and then quickly thrust it all the way in. Hank’s ass moved with her quick thrusts.

“Oh god! Fuck me, Lisa. Fuck me. Fuck me.” Hank yelled as his orgasm started to build. It built deep inside where he never felt it start before. Soon it seemed to take over his whole body and he unleashed a torrent of semen. While the waves of climax hit he begged to Lisa to keep fucking him. His begging sent Lisa over the edge and she too was sent into ecstasy.

Lisa kept pounding into Hank until her orgasm began to subside. Finally she stopped. For a few minutes, no sound could be heard but the sound of their heavy breathing. Finally she removed the dildo from Hank’s ass. They embraced and kissed.

Hank looked at Lisa and said, “That was incredible, You definitely know how to use a cock. I certainly do enjoying being fucked.”

Lisa laughed and looked at him, “We have a ballgame to attend. But then we’ll have time on the way back for another pegging.”

Hank couldn’t wait.

The post Getting Pegged appeared first on all free erotic stories.

Lucky Dude Gets To Stuff Two MILFs


This dude is so lucky, he gets to nail two of the hottest pieces of MILF ass in the porn world today. Emma Starr and Julia Ann are two really hot MILFs that love to fuck and love fresh young cock, so they ordered out to get this guy in!


Emma Starr is at it again and she has her friend, Julia Ann, with her this time. She’s out to show Julia just how easy it is to seduce a deliveryboy who wants to be a star. She calls up the store, orders herself a bottle of wine, and when the delivery boy gets there she fills his head with dreams of stardom. First she makes him audition for her and Julia, then she makes him get naked and has him lay back as both these hot blonde cougars take turns on his cock.


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Download the full scene at Seduced by A Cougar here!

The post Lucky Dude Gets To Stuff Two MILFs appeared first on Wild Gang Bang.