Busted While Fucking The Boss

My closest girlfriend — the only person besides myself who knew some of the surreptitious details — asked me what possible reason I had in seeing a married man.

“You’re playing with fire, girl,” said Stephanie, a woman I met in high school and whose friendship I treasure years later. “It can only lead to trouble! Trouble, with a Capital T.”

Steph didn’t know all the details of my relationship with K. Linford Little. Heck, she didn’t even know about my clandestine relationship with my former boss until after I had broken up with the man. It was in the weeks following the breakup where I revealed to the woman how I had been seeing my former boss for several years, how I fell in love with him, and how I broke things off when I finally came to the realization that my objective and his weren’t in tandem.

I had wanted something long term, while he was using me for a fling, and that was that.

Stephanie was understanding and supportive at the time. But, months later, when I resumed my relationship with Mr. Little, she was anything but. She emphatically told me that being with a married man who had no desire for anything other than “secretive companionship” was a prelude to disaster.

I, on the other hand, looked at it in a different way. Unlike the old days when I really thought I’d one day become Mrs. Little number two, the new me and the new relationship with the man was completely different. We were, well, play toys for each other, getting together for friendship, companionship and, yes, sex. With no strings attached.

Mr. Little remained married to wife number one and only, I dated several guys before hooking up with and eventually moving in with a great guy, and from time to time my former boss and I would secretively get together for some secluded rendevous.

It’s not easy to explain my need to see Mr. Little or his need to see me. Sure, our brief time together normally ended in a sexual situation, but that’s not the only reason for our serendipity. The sex was great, satisfying and wonderful, but the time together was too. We liked very much our time together. For me, I went home with my head held high and with great memories after each meeting.

Well, at least most of the time. Sometimes, though, I sensed my good friend Stephanie might have been a little bit more than correct in her assessment of my walking the tightrope of danger and trouble my having an affair with a married man. Especially given some of the settings for our meetings.

As mentioned in prior stories, Mr. Little and I agreed early in our relationship that his office was not the appropriate place for us to, uh, frolic. That is where it all began, of course, back in the days when I worked for the man years my senior. But we quickly realized that the danger of being caught in the act in his office was something that would not be career enhancing to either of us. So we took our show on the road, so to speak, meeting in mall parking lots, no-tell motels, parks, recreation centers. Of course we found many ways to mess around in his car, getting into all kinds of compromising positions, acting like horny teenagers. I think the car and sex go together, always have, as just the naughtiness of being in a semi-public location with the threat of being caught sends good shivers up my spine and excites my love buds.

I’ve chronicled a number of these activities and locations, but what happened Saturday was an outright doozy of a situation. It’s one that still gives me chills and, of course, brings Stephanie to mind, lecturing me on being stupid.

At 9 a.m. my cell phone rang, and Mr. Little asked if I could talk. “Hi sweetie, can you talk?”

I was on my way to a hair appointment, and hearing his voice made me smile. It had been a week since we had been together, and while we had talked a couple times I longed for a little more. Soon I realized I could have it, as his wife had taken the kids to a friends for the day and he would be able to slip away. Could I?

“Of course, honey…when…where?”

We agreed to meet at a train station parking lot near a local park. It was one of our usual meeting places, and we would move from there and take one car to the park, allowing us to keep our two vehicles away from each other as not to draw the suspicion of people who knew me since it was dangerously close to my house while being a decent distance away from his.

Mr. Little arrived first, and I slid to a stop in the space next to his apparently minutes behind his arrival. Entering his car, we embraced and quickly began making out like long-separated lovers. No pleasantries this day, just kissy face, hands feeling and heavy breathing. When we finally came up for air we moved apart a bit an talked about what had been going on in our respective lives — nothing too new nor different, but interesting conversation. All the while Mr. Little stroked my thigh, not in a sexual way but more in a pleasant, warm way.

Normally after a bit of conversation we’d drive over to the park, a secluded spot, or our favorite walking path. This day Mr. Little had no interest in moving, and we continued our conversation interspersed with a few kisses and an occasional hug.

The still of the morning, complete with its birds chirping broken up when in the distance I heard the sound of an approaching train. I couldn’t tell if it was a freight train or a passenger train, but it didn’t matter to Mr. Little. He had this thing about trains.

You might remember my story about us embracing on a bike path not far from where we were parked this Saturday. That’s the time when I felt a breeze on my backside while kissing the man. A passenger train was chugging past before I realized the little rascal had lifted my skirt, bearing my behind to startled (I suspected) passengers on the left side of the train. On another occasion Mr. Little had me go down on him along that same path when a train went by…but at least on that occasion we really weren’t in plain view. We might have been caught by spying eyes, but it was unlikely, and we quickly moved to safer surroundings once the train had past.

Now, you must understand that I am not an exhibitionist by rule. Yes, we’ve had our little sexual escapades in semi-public locations, but always with an eye toward safety. And while we had been observed on a couple occasions by the spying eyes of accidental voyeurs, we did make an attempt to stay in the background and not openly get caught doing the nasty.

Mr. Little asked me to go down on him in a hurry before the train came past. It didn’t take time for me to deliberate, it actually sounded fun. Heck, nobody would probably see me in his lap anyway and the thought of giving a passenger a chance quick thrill was too much to decline. I looked around, calculated that nobody was in our general vicinity and that the nearest passing cars would be more than 50 yards away. I guessed this little escapade would only last a couple minutes before we moved to a less visible location, and besides, if a car turned in or if by chance someone walked or rode their bike into the parking lot my observant boss would alert me before we were caught.

Coast clear, my ex-boss unzipped his trousers and reached into his boxers, pulling out his semi- hard cock as I licked my lips and maneuvered onto my knees on the passenger side. Then, holding myself up on one arm on his seat while resting my other elbow on the top of his mid-section, I slowly and tantalizingly lowered my head toward his manhood.

“Hurry, honey, hurry,” begged the man as the train approached. “Suck my dick!”

Gee, with a request like that what girl could resist? I licked the tip of his hardening cock, then ovaled my mouth and slowly sucked in his dick as I heard Mr. Little moan from above. It didn’t matter how many times I sucked his cock, it always gave me a thrill. I knew from experience he loved it too, as his dick twitched and I could hear him begin to breath heavily.

As per the norm, I began rocking and bobbing my head, bathing his cock with my saliva as I alternated sucks with licks. Mr. Little then reached over and began fondling my backside, switching between gentle grabs and light spanking. As the train approached I though we might present quiet a sight in the front seat of his car if observed from the right angle.

I continued to carefully suck my favorite dick as Mr. Little reached down and lifted my skirt, pulling it up to my mid-section. He then slithered his hand into my blue cotton Bare Necessities panties and began fondling my ass. He slid several fingers up and down the crack as I continued my assault on his self-proclaimed big banana.

“It’s a freight train, Robyn, here it comes,” said my boss, who I remember thinking should have been a play-by-play announcer. Mr. Little had this thing about talking dirty during our little escapades. So much so he would apologize in advance for some of the name-calling he would lovingly do. “Oh, yea, baby, suck my dick you cocksucker. Don’t stop. Oh yea.”

I continued to slowly bob my head on his manhood, and I felt his other hand begin caressing my hair. He’d run his fingers through by brown mane, then bunch some of it up in to a little pigtail of sorts and pull on it before pushing my head back down.

“Oh honey it looks like a long train, you’ll be sucking for a while, but that doesn’t bother you, does it? You love to suck cock!” said my ex-boss as moaned out an answer and then continued to fellate the always horny man. “God you’re a great cocksucker. Oh yea, that feels great.”

There is something about a cock in my mouth which makes me tingle. I think it is the control factor, I am in charge. He needs me, he received pleasure, but I am the boss, not him. I continued to suck him off but noticed, quite surprisingly, his dick was a bit softer than its rock-hard state of seconds before.

“Oh that feels so good, Rob…he sees us, the engineer sees us, oh my he’s doing a double take,” said my ex-boss as he pushed his mid-section off the car seat and pulled my head up a bit. It was almost as if he was showing the engineer! Of course, I immediately thought this was just idle fantasy, and that Mr. Little was merely playing with my mind. But who knows, maybe the man did get an eye full. Who knows? I just keep doing my duty. “Oh my what a show he got, you sucking my dick.”

As I heard the cars of the train clickety clack past our parked car, I concentrated on my ex- boss’ dick. It was now a slow, sensual blow job, as the urgency seemed to pass along with the engine car. Now Mr. Little slowed his bouncing to a stop, and I was able to suck on his dick without worrying about being impaled on his manhood.

I was lost in the act, but after a bit realized the train had past. Mr. Little continued to moan out dirty nothings, which was music to my ears. I actually got off on his dirty words. He continued to play with my ass cheeks, then pulled me over a little closer and slipped my panties down my thighs. Then his probing fingers found my pussy.

That, friends, was hot. Yes, his dick was pulsing in my mouth, but the sensations his fingers started with their strumming of my wet clit were not only naughty but exciting. His thumb rubbed against my clit as at least two fingers played with my fleshy sex spot. My eyes were closed as I savored the digitally induced stimulation. Mr. Little has magic fingers, it’s a simple as that. They bring me up and down, always hotter and hotter, until I explode.

Saturday was no exception, as my pussy tingled as he played his loving finger tune on my hot wet sex. He worked his fingers perfectly, taking me higher, leveling me off and then bringing me to the ultimate explosion.. I lifted my head off his dick when I came, spouting out a litany of superlatives as first one and then two orgasms shook my body.

Telling the man he was wonderful was one thing, but actions speak louder than words. At least that’s the theory once I caught my breath. I kissed Mr. Little, then got back to business, dropping my head into his lap. His dick had petered a bit, but soon my mouth brought it back to full mast as I licked, nibbled and stroked his cock. I loved sucking him off, and often thought about how some of my friends didn’t like oral sex. Stephanie, for one, did it, but always complained about having to do it. I would laugh and kid her to forget about cooking, the quickest way to a man’s heart was through his dick. And no quicker way than orally.

Still, there is too much of a good thing, especially when the mouth muscles are involved. I mean, on Saturday I must have been going down on him for more than 30 minutes without the sense of a sticky volcano-like eruption. On several occasions I lifted off to catch my breath and rest my lips and cheeks, but quickly Mr. Little begged me for more.

My mouth ached, but I was up for the test. I remember smiling and taking my favorite fall with renewed interest when he told me how much he loved me and how great my mouth was and how lucky he was to have me and a bunch of other verbal bouquets. My mind wandered as I sucked him, thinking how good his fingers felt and how much I loved going down on his dick.

Lost in our coupling neither of us heard a thing from our surroundings until there was a loud TAP TAP TAP on the driver side window of the car. I nearly choked on my man’s cock as he was startled and pushed up while I was pushing down.

“Fuck!” was all I heard from above as I scurried to push back onto the passenger side, my skirt tucked up into my waistband. Watching intently was a man who turned out to be a smug railroad officer who told Mr. Little to open his window and then ordered both us to put our hands on the dashboard.

Mr. Little’s now shriveled dick had all but disappeared from view, but his pants were clearly open. I finally noticed the show I was giving the man, and asked if I could make myself presentable.

“It’s okay if she gets dressed, isn’t it Roy?” asked the officer, and for the first time I noticed another man to my right. The men watched intently as I reached down, pulled up my panties, and attempted to modestly smooth out my skirt.


I could see Mr. Little shaking, and I wasn’t much better. I needed a drink! Or for this bad dream to go away.

The two men looked at us while Mr. Little stammered something about us just kissing and holding each other after a walk in the park. The unnamed officer, through, cut short my ex-boss’ explanation.

“We received a report from one of our engineers that a girl was, as he said it, orally coupling with a man in this parking lot. He said they were in plain site and anyone could stumble upon them. Now, you two haven’t seen anyone like that, have you?”

I remember stuttering something as I noticed the sly smile on “Roy” face to my right. Heck, there was no question who the engineer had seen, these two had caught us in the act. Who knows how long these two guys had been watching? I was terrified they’d haul us in to railroad jail or something, or, worse yet, have a little discussion with the current Mrs. Little. That would not be marriage enhancing.

The men lectured us about the dangers of playing in public before telling us stay put as they retreated to their official looking automobile. Glancing over, we could tell they were in a discussion or some sort, and Mr. Little feared our little relationship would soon be kaput or broadcast throughout the tri-state area. He had more to lose than me, but I can assure you I wasn’t immune from worry. What would my current employers think of me after my name made the papers. Heck, what would my co-workers think. I would be the laughing stock for many, and I’m sure the taunting would be embarrassing at the least.

Resigned to begging their forgiveness, we were surprised when only one of the officers returned to our car.

“Ok, I’ve been in your situation before,” said the official sounding man. “This is private property, and you two are trespassing. Use this as your final warning on that issue. If we ever find you two here again, without a train ticket, you are not going to like the consequences. Sir, it was your misfortune to have been observed by one of our holy roller engineers, who thinks you should be damned to hell or something. And you, Miss, while very, er, talented I must say, should be a little more aware of your surroundings before, getting into a fellating situation.”

The man paused, probably for effect, but he had our attention. “This is not the place for your shenanigans, understand? You might look for a little more secluded place, know what I mean?”

We both nodded our understanding and agreement. We promised never to visit this lot again unless we were heading to board a train. We thanked him for giving us a break.

Then came the bombshell.

“Okay, enough…but I know you weren’t finished the, er, task you were working on. And Roy and I, well, are having a little coffee break over there,” said the man, pointing to the car. “We wouldn’t mind keeping a lookout, for, say, 10 minutes or so while you two lovebirds finish your business. No chance of being interrupted that way.”

Mr. Little declined the offer, but the officer implied it wasn’t an option. “Like I said, we’re going to be over there watching over things. You have 10 minutes. It’s okay, honey, nobody’s gonna tell or anything,” said the man with a smile. Seems our two officers were kicking us out, but wanted a little bit of a show before we left.

I shrugged, reaching over to Mr. Little’s pants where I began stroking his soft underwear. The officer smiled at my initiative, turned, and walked back to his squad car.

“Do you believe these two, Mr. Little?”

“No, but I think we better do as he says!” replied my former boss.

I have to admit that getting Mr. Little back into the mood took quiet some coddling and expertise. The mood was gone, and while the will was there his dick wasn’t cooperating. I glanced at the squad car, and sure enough the twosome had coffee and donuts and were enjoying our tentativeness. The older one nodded as I smiled in their direction, and he sort of said, it’s okay, go ahead. Why not?

Pulling out Mr. Little’s shriveled dick, I once again climbed onto the passenger side seat and lowered my head. It wasn’t long before my ex-boss’ cock began to lengthen, and after my oral ministrations soon became hard. I blew him for a couple minutes before I realized he just wasn’t going to cum. We had been down that road a couple times before, where the older man enjoyed my actions but just couldn’t orgasm. The pressure of performing before an audience, even one which really couldn’t see down into the car where I was munching on dick, was too much for the man.

Sensing the problem, I reached down and began stroking the dick. Boys will be boys, you know, and soon, I felt his hand on top of mine, and soon after that the play-by-play began.

“You are such a dirty cocksucker, Robyn, geez, you are bad,” said Mr. Little, stroking his dick into my mouth. “You’re sucking my cock and there are two guys over there who can see it..What a whore you are, a cocksucking whore.God it’s good…Go baby go, make it explode…Eat my popsicle. Suck it like my wife won’t. Eat the meat, baby, suck my cock.”

I love it when he talks dirty, and I did my best to make him happy. My head bounced up and down on his love muscle as my mouth sucked his rod. I licked his dick, I sucked it, I held still as he stroked into my mouth. I could fell from his panting and quickening of his strokes that he was getting close, and soon I was rewarded for my efforts when I felt the hot sperm shooting up his shaft and then into my waiting and willing mouth. It was a large load and overflowed onto my chin and neck, but I stayed on it like a trooper, continuing to please as his dick ultimately began to shrink.

Swallowing what I could, I thought that it might be fun to give the uniformed boys a thrill, so I rose and looked directly at the smiling twosome in the car just yards away. Smiling back, I reached up and rubbed the excess man sauce into my face, then sat back on the passenger side of the car. Fluffing back my hair, I reached into my purse and applied some bright red lipstick. Then I bent toward my ex-boss and planted a wet kiss.

I whispered about how I’d get him for not keeping the proper lookout, but said it with a huge smile. We had been busted, but we weren’t the worse for it. I told him to call me later on the cell and then quickly exited his vehicle and entered my own, no worse for the wear.

When Mr. Little called later that day we both agreed to be more careful. But we also laughed a bit and agreed how hot our little rendevous has been.

Somehow I didn’t think Stephanie would agree.

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Tamara Grace Rides a Strangers Big Cock

tamara grace

When you have a girlfriend that you know will put out, you should never cheat on her – because she will do it too, and more than you ever can, check out the story of hotty Tamra Grace and a lucky well hung stranger fucking her hard:

Busty slut Tamara Grace gets some revenge on her cheating boyfriend by stripping down and sucking some stranger’s cock. After having her hunger satisfied with a sloppy blowjob, she spreads her long legs to have her pussy eaten and licked. With her pussy creaming for action, she bends over presenting her delicious firm ass as she takes a hard doggie style slamming. Then, she takes it even deeper, riding her man out on top until she is truly satisfied. Things finish with a Private style cumshot all over her big round tits.

Naughty girl – and she looks so slutty stroking his cum out all over her big fake tits!

Download this wild scene from Private, the hottest Euro porn with no limits!

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Riley Reid Fucked By Prince Yahshuas Big Black Cock

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It’s absolutely amazing to see how big of black cock can fit into Riley Reid’s tiny twat. This girl is absolutely amazing, and this scene from Lil Mamas has her getting fucked by Prince Yahshua and his big fat and long black cock, going just about balls deep too! She’s riding it for all it’s worth, and you can see her pussy juice on his cock almost to the base, so you know she;s getting that big black cock deep into her cunt. Riley Reid takes a big load of cum on her face too, and she is more than willing to lick his cock off and make sure not a drop of his hot sperm is lost!

Download this intense scene in HD video from New Sensations, they have more of Riley Reid taking black cocks in every hole!

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You Can Call Me Jo

The night air was cool as we walked out of the club but we barely noticed, the drinks had really dulled the senses and the evenings’ entertainment had our minds on things other than the weather. John had come home on leave from the army and a boys night out had seemed like a really good plan except now it was 3:00 A.M. and we were pretty drunk not to mention pretty horny. Against my better judgment we decided to call my wife JoAnn. After about ten minutes of serious bitching she agreed to pick us up but not before making it clear that the strippers in the club were going to be the last bare titties I was going to see for a while.

The ride home loosened JoAnn up a little, John and I are very happy drunks, and as we got closer to the house I started thinking that a little two on one might make for a fun end for the evening. The only problem with my plan was my sweet little wife still wanted to be mad at me, although we had mellowed her out a little with our drunken antics on the way home she still wouldn’t respond to my advances. Every time I would put a hand on her thigh or try to cup her firm little titty she would push my hand away or move my arm from around her.

JoAnn and I had only been married about a year but we had been dating for three years before that and the one thing I knew is that, at twenty, she was the only woman that I’d ever met with a sex drive equal to my own and it wouldn’t take to much convincing to get her in the mood. Sure enough by the end of the thirty minute ride to the house, though she still would not admit it, she was ready for a good hard fuck. The only thing left now was to convince her to take me AND my best friend at the same time, that proved a little trickier . . . but not much.

When we arrived at the house I immediately started heading JoAnn toward the bed room, kissing her ear and rubbing her sexy 32 b’s through the T-shirt she wore. She was really starting to respond now but right before we got to our bed room she asked “What about John? Should I get him a blanket and pillow for the couch?” “No” I said “I think he should join us baby” “Hey that sounds good to me!” I heard John laugh from behind us, already peeling his shirt off. “You’re both crazy if you think I’m going to be your ten-dollar hooker for the night!” She said as she turned to go into the room. I grabbed her from behind in a big bear hug nibbling on her ear and slipping my hand down the front of her sweat pants, her panties were soaked and I could feel her legs quiver as my fingers brushed her clit through the thin fabric. “Aw come on Jo It’ll be fun” I heard John from behind me. Now you have to under stand my wife hates to be called Jo and John usually only does it to piss her off so when she turned to cuss him and only said “Well I guess we could” I was shocked, then I looked behind me to see that John was now completely naked. At six foot two we were the same height but his Army training had really built his muscles and his semi erect cock was already at least seven inches, the length of mine erect. “Lets see those sexy little tits of yours Jo” John added grinning “All right guys” She said turning to enter the bedroom and stripping off the T-shirt “come on and quit calling me Jo!”

As we entered the bedroom I was practically falling down trying to get out of my clothes. Meanwhile JoAnn had turned back around to show John her gorgeous 34 b’s, she was rubbing the sexy mounds making the nipples hard as diamonds as she pinched them gently. John was returning the favor stroking his long cock to full mast, he was almost nine inches now though I noticed his cock was not nearly as thick as my seven incher. JoAnn continued her little striptease sliding off the sweat pants she had been wearing to reveal her thin cotton panties which, by this time, had an obvious wet spot the size of a tennis ball. I had finally managed to get my clothes off without falling down and now I was also stroking my rock hard dick watching my wife strip. As her panties finally came off, she slid a finger deep into to her hole working it in and out several strokes before bringing it to her lips and licking her juices off.

“I need someone’s tongue in me now!” JoAnn moaned as she sat back on the edge of the bed completely exposing her neatly trimmed bush. She came almost instantly as John was on his knees with his face buried in her wet cunt in a flash. John continued to lick and suck her through about ten minutes of nearly continuous orgasm before finally letting her catch her breath. “Baby get on your hands and knees so John can fuck you doggie style while you suck my cock” I told her after she had caught her breath. “Oh yeah I need to be fucked!” she cried “Fuck me John, put that big cock in me and fuck me hard!” John was already moving around behind her as she got on all fours in the middle of the bed. I was ready to get my dick sucked but I knew I had to see my best friend penetrate my wife for the first time so I moved around back to watch. John had just lined up on her hole when he nodded at me to come closer. “Here” He said”you put it in.” As he put my hand on his cock. Now I was really ready to explode I knelt next to JoAnn kissing her neck and rubbing her tit with one hand and rubbing the head of John’s long cock over her clit and cunt lips like a sex toy. Finally when I thought neither of us could take it any more I guided the first few inches in the moved my cock to her lips.

John gave her one short stroke then slid all nine inches in to the hilt slowly withdrawing right to the head then slowly back in. Meanwhile I had buried my cock in to JoAnn’s mouth and although I tried to hold out as long as I could within minutes I exploded in her mouth and all over her face. I watched in total fascination as John kept up his slow long strokes and JoAnn kept begging and pleading “Harder God please fuck me harder!” John began to slowly increase the tempo, slowly withdrawing then slamming it back in like a bullet Making my tiny wife gasp with each pounding stroke. I could tell John was getting close and JoAnn was on orgasm number who knows when John looked at me and asked if it was OK to come inside her. “Oh yeah load that cunt up” I told him. “Well if you squeeze my balls as I come I can really shoot a load in her.” He said “I don’t know.” I said thinking this might be a little more than I bargained for. “Oh honey do it for me, make him fill my cunt for you!” JoAnn begged So as John started to pound harder and faster I reached between his leg and began massaging his balls and as he started to explode I squeezed and milked until he and my wife fell side by side on the bed.

As I stared at JoAnn covered in sweat her face full of my cum and John’s massive load oozing out of her cunt my cock had returned to full staff. I rolled her over on her back and positioned my self between her legs as my thick cock entered her fresh fucked pussy I knew this wouldn’t be the last time we’d do this.

This time I had plenty of staying power and fucked her long and hard while John shot another pretty healthy load in her face. As I started to close in on my orgasm JoAnn sensed my coming eruption “John, make him fill me like you did” she asked Before I could object John was squeezing and pulling my balls and I shot the biggest load of my life into JoAnn’s well-used cunt.

We all fell asleep on the bed in a twisted mass. The next morning John had left but JoAnn found a ten-dollar bill on the night stand, written on the back it said “Thanks Jo, this was best ten bucks I ever spent”

“That son-of-a-bitch” muttered JoAnn then added “I hope he gets another leave soon.”

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Intense Outdoor Fucking With Karlie Simon

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Some of the hottest sex scenes are the ones shot under the sun, there is something about outdoor fucking in under the hot sun that is really sexy. Then you add in a stunning hot bitch like Karlie Simon, and you have one hell of a hot scene. This set is from Pornstars Like It Big, and Karlie Simon is getting her tender shaved snapper absolutely filled with cock. The guy has a big dick, that is for sure, and her hot wet cunt handles it without a blink. She’s hot getting fucking in all directions, she’s got a great ass and the stand up doggy is fucking awesome! She takes his big load of cum on her tits and face, takes his cash, and he gets arrested for fucking in public! Naughty girl!

Download the full scene from Pornstars Like It Big in full HD – Karlie Simon is a hot fuck in this one!

The post Intense Outdoor Fucking With Karlie Simon appeared first on hard-x hardcore fuck blog.

Charli Romano Gets Her Tight Tiny Pussy Stretched

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Some girls can claim to have a tight or tiny pussy, but it’s the pussy closeup shots that tell the truth – and Charli Romano has a tight tiny pussy for sure! This shot from a scene from Tiny4K shows off her tender little pussy in it’s before state, because soon after this tiny pussy closeup, she ends up getting fucked by a big thick cock and somehow manages to take it all into her snug little fuck hole. That has got to be some tight pussy to fuck, her cunt is so small his dick is inside her hole and rubbing her clit at the same time, without any effort! She certainly has a tiny pussy, and well, I would love to be next to fuck that wonderful little fuck hole!

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